Thursday 15 May 2014

Kerapu masak tiga rasa recipe

1) 1 medium size fish - I used grouper/kerapu

2) Fry with 2.5 tbsp of vegetable oil
1 big onion
2 peeps of garlic
1 cm ginger
1 cm turmeric
5 kaffer lime leaves
2 tomatoes

3) 3 cups of water

4) 1 tbsp curry powder
1big lemongrass
2 tbsp tomato sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1tsp fish sauce
Half cup of tamarind juice
Half cup of pineapple
2 red chilies
1 tsp salt and brown sugar
Kaffer lime leaves/lemon/onions/tomato for garnishing

1.  Heat up the oil and add in Items No 2, stir until golden brown. 
2.  Add in water leave to boil for few minutes.
3.  Add in items No 4. Leave for few minutes until you can see the oil floats to the top. 
4.  Place fish into boiling sauce and leave for 10 to 15 minutes. 
5.  Then add salt and brown sugar.
6.  Your kerapu masak tiga rasa is ready, don't forget to put red chilies, tomato, lemon or kaffer lime for garnishing. Dig in!