Tuesday 31 January 2017

Thai Massaman Curry

Item A:
Cooking oil, 2 tbsp

Item B
Boneless chicken, 500 gms cut into 2-inches cubes (marinade with 2 tbsp fish sauce)

Item C
Massaman curry paste, 6 tbsp
Chicken stock, 1 cup
Chili powder, 1 tbsp
Potato, 2 medium chopped 

Item D
Coconut milk, 1 1/2 cup

Item E
Yellow onion, 1/2 cup chopped 
Fish sauce, 1 tbsp
Palm sugar, 2 1/2 tbsp
Tamarind paste, 2 1/2  tbsp

Item F - Garnish, optional
Corriender leaves, 2 tbsp chopped finely
Peanut, 1/2 cup roasted 

1. On a medium heat heavy bottom pan, add cooking oil. Add massaman curry paste when oil become fragrant. Stir to break up lumps. Keep stirring and let simmer for 2 minutes. Add the rest of Item C, mix well.
2. Add chicken and keep stirring for 5 minutes until paste covers chicken evenly.
3. Stir in half of the coconut milk and leave for 5 minutes.
4. Add Item E bring to a boil and reduce to simmer. Simmer for 5 minutes.
5. Stir in remaining coconut milk and leave for 5 minutes or until fully cooked. Taste and adjust seasoning. Garnish.
6. Serve with jasmine rice. Curries best to have next day.

Thai Massaman Curry Paste


Item A
Shallots, 1/2 cup chopped
Garlic, 3 tbsp chopped
Dried chilies, 10 seeded and soaked in water for an hour
Chili powder, 1 tbsp
Salt, 1 tsp
White peppercorns, 1 tsp
Lemongrass, 3 tbsp chopped
Galangal, 1 1/2 tbsp chopped
Cilantro roots or stems, 2 tbsp chopped
Kaffir lime zest, 1/2 tsp kaffir lime leaves chopped add 5 mins before curry is done. Or use regular lime
Shrimp paste, 1 tbsp or dried shrimps, 2 tsp soak in water for an hour

Item B
Cooking oil, 4 tbsp for frying 

Item C - Roasted until fragrant 
Cinnamon stick, 3 inches small
Cloves, 10
Star anise, 4
Green cordomon, 4 pods medium
Cumin seeds, 1tsp
Corriender seeds, 2 tsp
Round cordomon, 5 
Black papercorn, 15
Nutmeg, 1 
Nutmeg mace, 1

1. In a blender or food processor, blend Item C first and follow by Item A, blend until smooth.
2. In a medium heat pan, add cooking oil and add paste. Keep stirring constantly as paste will get burn easyly. Paste is ready when you see oil float on top of paste.
3. You are done. Paste can be used up to a week if stored properly in the fridge.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Thai Panang Curry Recipe

Thai curries have made gone mad. It's surprisingly tasty but it also, fragrant and creamy. I don't find it difficult to cook as it very easy to make and versatile. You can use chicken, beef or pork for most of their currries, including this one.

Item A:
Cooking oil, 2 tbsp

Item B
Boneless chicken, 500 gms cut into 2-inches cubes (marinade with 2 tbsp fish sauce)

Item C
Panang curry paste, 6 tbsp
Chicken stock, 1 cup
Chili powder, 1 tbsp

Item D
Coconut milk, 1 1/2 cup

Item E
Shallots, 1/2 cup
Fish sauce, 1 tbsp
Palm sugar, 2 1/2 tbsp

Item F - Garnish, optional
Parsley , 2 tbsp chopped finely

1. On a medium heat pan, add cooking oil. Add Item C when oil become fragrant. Stir to break up lumps. Keep stirring and let simmer for 2 minutes.
2. Add chicken and keep stirring for 5 minutes until paste covers chicken evenly.
3. Stir in half of the coconut milk and leave for 5 minutes.
4. Add Item E and simmer gently for another 5 minutes.
5. Stir in remaining coconut milk and leave for 5 minutes or until fully cooked. Taste and adjust seasoning. Garnish.
5. Serve with jasmine rice after 15 minutes.

Thai Panang Curry Paste


Item A
Corriender seeds, 1 1/3 tsp
Cumin seeds, 1 tsp
Peanut or cashewnut, 2 1/2 tbsp crushed
Shallots, 1/2 cup chopped
Garlic, 3 tbsp chopped
Dried chilies, 10 seeded and soaked in water for an hour
Chili powder, 1 tbsp
Salt, 1 tsp
White peppercorns, 1 tsp
Lemongrass, 3 tbsp chopped
Galangal, 1 1/2 tbsp chopped
Cilantro roots or stems, 2 tbsp chopped
Kaffir lime zest, 1/2 tsp kaffir lime leaves chopped add 5 mins before curry is done. Or use regular lime
Shrimp paste, 1 tbsp or dried shrimps, 2 tsp soak in water for an hour

Item B
Cooking oil, 4 tbsp for

1. In a blender or food processor, blend Item A until smooth.
2. In a medium heat pan, add cooking oil and add paste. Keep stirring constantly as paste will get burn easyly. Paste is ready when you see oil float on top of your paste.
3. You are done. Paste can be used up to a week if store properly in the fridge.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Thai Red Curry with Chicken

Any vegetable goes well with this. This is not a spicy curry as you think, it looks red but it is not spicy at all. It's creamy and rich in herbs and spices. Because it's so yummy no one will say no!

Item A:
Cooking oil, 2 tbsp

Item B
Boneless chicken, 500 gms cut into 2-inches cubes (marinade with 2 tbsp fish sauce)

Item C
Red curry paste, 6 tbsp
Chicken stock, 1 cup
Chili powder, 1 tbsp

Item D
Coconut milk, 1 1/2 cup

Item E
Shallots, 1/2 cup
Any vegetables you like, 3 cups bite-sized pieces. I use cauliflower, long beans, tomatoes and green capsicum
Fish sauce, 1 tbsp
Palm sugar, 2 1/2 tbsp
Thai basil, sweet basil, 3/4 cup

Item F - Garnish, optional
Parsley , 2 tbsp chopped finely

1. On a medium heat pan, add cooking oil. Add Item C when oil become fragrant. Stir to break up lumps. Keep stirring and let simmer for 2 minutes.
2. Add chicken and keep stirring for 5 minutes until paste covers chicken evenly.
3. Stir in half of the coconut milk and leave for 5 minutes.
4. Add Item E and simmer gently for another 5 minutes.
5. Stir in remaining coconut milk and leave for 5 minutes or until fully cooked. Taste and adjust seasoning. Garnish.
5. Serve with jasmine rice after 15 minutes.

Thai Red Curry Stir-fry Chicken with Vegetables

I like this all in one recipe, chicken and vegetables in one plate. It's very colourful, fragrant, crunchy and yummy too. Didn't find it hard to cook this healthy recipe.

Item A:
Cooking oil, 2 tbsp

Item B
Fried chicken, 500 gms. Chicken cut into 2-inches cubes, marinated with 2 tbsp fish sauce and deep-fried

Item C
Red curry paste, 7 tbsp
Onion, 1/2 cup chopped

Item D
Chicken stock, 1/2 cup
Fish sauce, 1 tsp
Chili sauce, 2 tbsp

Item E
Any vegetables, 2 cups cut into bite-sized
I use cabbage, long beans, green capsicum, tomatoes and carrot

Item F
Garnish with corriender

1. In a medium-hot pan add cooking oil. Add onions and stir constantly. Add red curry paste when onions caramelised or onions become transparent. Stirring constantly. Close the lid and leave for 2 minutes.
2. Add Item D. Stir constantly and let it boiled until water reduced into half.
3. Add Item E and B, stir well for 5 minutes.
4. Garnish. You are done.

Thai Red Curry Paste


Item A
Shallots, 1/2 cup chopped
Garlic, 3 tbsp chopped
Dried chilies, 10 seeded and soaked in water for an hour
Chili powder, 1 tbsp
Salt, 1 tsp
White peppercorns, 1 tsp
Lemongrass, 3 tbsp chopped
Galangal, 1 1/2 tbsp chopped
Cilantro roots or stems, 2 tbsp chopped
Kaffir lime zest, 1/2 tsp kaffir lime leaves chopped add 5 mins before curry is done. Or use regular lime
Shrimp paste, 1 tbsp or dried shrimps, 2 tsp soak in water for an hour

Item B
Cooking oil, 4 tbsp for

1. In a blender or food processor, blend Item A until smooth.
2. In a medium heat pan, add cooking oil and add paste. Keep stirring constantly as paste will get burn easyly. Paste is ready when you see oil float on top of paste.
3. You are done. Paste can be used up to a week if store properly in the fridge.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Simple Vegetarian Doughnut Recipe

Made these beauties for breakfast. I like it because it's easy to make  and most importantly it's vegetarian. This recipe is so versatile that you can use the same recipe for soft or hard dougnut. Just add more flour.

Item A
Luke warm water - 1 cup
Yeast - 8 grms
Sugar - 1 1/2 sugar tbsp
Salt - 1 tsp
Multipurpose flour - 4 tbsp

Item B
Multipurpose flour - 1 cup

Item C
Vegetable oil for frying

1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and leave for half an hour for yeast to double up.
2. Add flour, dough for 8 minutes. Dough will be a little sticky buy its OK.  At this time  start shape your doughnuts. You may need additional flour in this process. Leave dougnuts for another half an hour before frying.
3. Fry in a medium or low heat or your doughnuts will be browning.