Monday 16 January 2012

Melts your Heart (Ghee Cookies Recipe)

I baked these cookies 3 days ago for Aunty S and Aunty J.  They like it very much, Aunty S's husband Uncle K keeps complementing on how tasty these cookies were. It diffidently melts in your mouth and melts your heart too! Sorry I don't have a picture. I will remember to snap the next time.

Ingredients :
125g ghee
60g icing sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla
185 gm plain flour, sifted
Use white egg for glazing

Baking Temperature : 170 C
Baking Time : 15-18 minutes

Method :
1.  Mix well ghee and icing sugar.  Add the egg yolk, baking powder, salt and vanilla.
2.  Fold in sifter flour.
3.  Form into small balls and place onto baking tray.  Use finger to dip a little white egg and press on top of cookies
4.  Bake for 170 C for 15 to 18 minutes or untill lighthly brown.

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