Friday 27 January 2012

Butter cupcakes recipes

Hello! How are you today? Here's my favorite butter cupcake recipe. It's extremely moist and I can't get enough of  it. I hope you will take some time out to try this simple, somewhat delicious dessert. You could simply eat it without the topping/frosting on top of it.

Ingredients :
250g butter, softened
210 g (mixed of castor sugar and light brown sugar)
4 medium size eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
5 tbsp fresh milk
1/2 tsp salt
A pinch of lemon zest
200 g self-raising flour
Semi sweet chocolate chip

Baking Temperature : 170 C
Baking Time : 25-30 minutes

Method :

1. Preheat oven 170 c.
2. Bat well butter and sugar.  Add vanilla essence until mixture is fluffy.
3. Add the eggs alternating with flour. Add the milk, lemon zest and salt, mix until well combined.
4. Spoon batter into cupcakes cups, filling each one about 2/3 full.
5. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. (Add in chocolate chip after 8 minutes)

Vanilla frosting :
250 gms unsalted butter, softened
6 to 8 cups ising sugar
1/2 cup milk
1 teaspoons vanilla extract

Method :
1. Mix butter and ising sugar (bit by bit).  Beat until smooth and fluffy.
2. Add in milk and vanilla and stir until well blended.

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

Your cupcakes looks very nice! lovexxx