Monday 16 January 2012

Hazel Eyes (Hazelnut Cookies Recipe)

Well guys the reason  I call these cookies Hazel Eyes is because it has hazelnut in it :). I made this many times already by request. It so simple, if you look at the ingredients you can find them easily in your kitchen and it tastes yummy too.

Ingredients :
120 gm butter
50 gm castor sugar or brown sugar
45 gm ground hazelnut
125 gm all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Baking Temperature : 160 C
Baking Time : 20-25 minutes

Method :
1.  Mix well butter and castor sugar till light and pluffy.  Add in vanilla extract.
2.  Mix in ground hazelnut and plain flour.
3.  Make an shape you prefer.  Arrange onto baking tray.
4.  Bake at 160 C for 20 minutes or until slightly brown.

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