Tuesday 13 December 2016

My Fish Curry Recipe

It is not easy to cook fish curry, it is tiring because you will have to stand in front of the stove to add ingredients one by one. It is a constant 1 hour commitment in the kitchen. This is by far the best fish curry I ever cook. Its worth all the waiting.

Recipe type : Main dish, dinner or lunch
Cuisine : Indian
Yield / Serves : 6
Prep time : 1 hour

Ingredients :Item A Cooking oil - 2 tbsp

Item B

Mackerel - 1 kg, slice into 1-inch slice

Item C Onion - 2 nos

Garlic - 2 nos
Ginger - 1 tsp, chopped
Curry leaves - 2 springs
Tomato - 2, cut into 1-inch dice

Item D - Spices
Cinnamon stick - 2-inch, chubby
Star anise - 4 nos

Cardamon - 6 nos
Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
Cloves - 6 nos
Fenugerik - 1 tsp
In a bowl add 2 tbsp water add 1 tbsp fish curry powder + 2 tbsp red chili powder

Item E 
Water - 2 cups

Item F - Sauce
Tomato puree - 3 tbsp
Tamarind juice - 1/2 cup
Shrimp paste - 1 tbsp
Salt - 1 tsp

Item G
Okra - 10 pieces

Item H- Garnish
Coriander leaves - 2 springs

1. Heat a pot and add cooking oil until the oil become fragrant.
2. Add Item B, saute for 3 minutes in a low flame. Cover the lid for 3 minutes. Lower the fame as much as possible.
3. Add Item C, saute for 2 minutes and cover the lid for 1 minute. Add item D, stir until the raw smell goes away.
3. Add mackerel, stir gently for 1 minutes until the oil cover the mackerel. Cover the lid for 5 minutes.
4. Add water and leave to simmer for 20 minutes. Cover the lid.
5. Add Item F. Stir evenly, make sure there is nothing burn at the bottom of the pot. Close the lid and leave for 10 minutes. Add okras and leave for 3 minutes.

6. Add coriander and turn of the stove.
7. Serve with rice, roti or paratha.

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