Thursday 8 December 2016

My Special Vegetarian Fried Rice

This the one I cook at home most of the time. It's kind of Sunday meal for everyone. It is very healthy if you watch amount of cooking oil in your plate. My friend said this is the best vegetarian fried rice she have had and also mentioned that the most beautiful colouful fried rice ever. Damn!

Recipe type : Main dish, dinner or lunch
Cuisine : Chinese
Yield / Serves : 3
Prep time : 40 mins

Ingredients :

Item A 
Garlic - 3 nos, chopped
Chopped green chili, whole snow peas, baby corn, chopped cabbage green and purple, and chopped carrot

Item B

Cooked rice, left over rice - 4 cups

Item C 
Eggs - 1 no

Item D - Sauce

Soy sauce/kecap manis - 1 tsp
Light soy sauce - 1 tsp
Mushroom sauce - 1 tsp

Item E - Seasoning
Ground black pepper - 1 tsp
Sugar (to substitute MSG) - 1 tsp
Salt - 1 tsp

Item F
Cooking oil, peanut or sesame - 2 1/2 tbsp

1. Heat a wok and add 1 tbsp cooking oil until the oil become fragrant.
2. Add Item A, saute for 5 minutes in a low flame. Set aside.
3. On the same wok add 1/2 tbsp cooking oil and add egg, swirl egg until egg sets against wok, when egg puffs, leave it half-cooked and remove from wok.  
3. On the same wok, add 1 tbsp cooking oil and add rice, saute for 5 minutes. Add Item D and stir constantly. Add Item E, stir-fry quickly, so that the rice get coated with the oil and sauce.
4. Add vegetable mix and egg. Keep on stirring until the rice,and vegetables are separated. Turn of the stove.
5. Serve fried rice with some side salad or chopped scallions

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