Monday 12 December 2016

Thai Green Curry

This is the exact green curry chicken I have been dreaming of. The same delicious curry I had in Krabi, it's creamy and aromatic, it will wake you up from the bad dreams.

I cook slightly different than the usual way of cooking green curry, different way just to make sure coconut milk does not sit to long under the heat and does not release cholesterol.

Do check out my vegetarian version.

Recipe type : Main dish, dinner or lunch
Cuisine : Thai
Yield / Serves : 4
Prep time : 1 hour


Item A
500 gms chicken, cut into 1-inch pieces, marinate in 2 tbsp fish sauce

Item B
Egg plant, 1 cup, cooked, sliced into round bite-sized pieces

Item C
Cooking oil, 1 tbsp
Curry paste, 5-6 tbsp (click for ingredients)
Chicken stock, 1 cup
Palm sugar/brown sugar, 2 tbsp
Fish sauce, 1 tbsp
Kaffir lime leaves, 4 nos medium
Thai basil, 3/4 cup
Coconut milk, 1 cup

Item D
Red chili

1. Put the egg plant in a pan of a boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Set aside.
2. In a medium heat add cooking oil in a wok, add paste and stir constantly until the ingredients release alll the flavours.
3. Add chicken until paste cover the chicken, do not let paste go very dark. Stir for 1 minute and cover the lid. Leave for 2 minutes.
4. Add in chicken stock,bring it to simmer or until stock reduced into half.
5. Add in kaffir lime leaves, fish sauce, sugar, and Thai basil. Cover lid let it simmer again or until you can smell he aroma.
6. Open lid and pour coconut milk and bring to simmer. Add egg plants. Turn off the stove.
7.  Garnish red chili on top of the curry. Curry is best to serve after 15 minutes. Serve with white jasmine rice.

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