Saturday 3 December 2016


If you like to have something thick and pungent for breakfast, shakshuka is for you, rich in tomato sauce and a little sweet and spicy. You can have it with bread or pita. It's easy to make and does not cost you much to prepare this awesome recipe.

Olive oil - 1 tbsp
White onion - 1 big peeled and diced
Garlic - 1 clove, minced
Red bell pepper - 1 chopped
Tomatoes - 4 cups, diced
Tomato paste - 2 tbsp
Chili powder - 1/2 tsp
Paprika - 1 tsp
Cayenne pepper - 1 tsp
Sugar - 1 tsp
Black papper - 1 tsp
4 eggs
Fresh chopped parsley - 1 
  • 5. Garnish with chopped parsley.

    1. Heat a skillet on a medium heat. Heat olive oil. Add chopped onion, sauté for a few minutes until the onion begins to soften and transparent. Add garlic and continue to sauté till mixture is fragrant.
    2. Add bell pepper, sauté for 3 minutes over medium until softened. Add chopped tomatoes and tomato paste, stir till blended and marry. Add spices and sugar, stir well, and close the pan.  Allow mixture to simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. 
    3. Add salt and pepper to taste, more sugar for a sweeter sauce, or more cayenne pepper for a spicier shakshuka.
    3. Make 4 holes on the sauce and  crack the eggs, one at a time, directly over the holes.
    4. Cover the pan. Allow mixture to simmer for 2 minutes, or until the eggs are half cooked or runny and the sauce has slightly reduced. Keep an eye on the skillet to make sure that the sauce doesn't reduce too much, which can lead to burning.

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