Thursday 8 December 2016

Chili Crab - Variety 1

In Malaysia we have food varieties in most of our national dishes. Chili crab is one of them. Singaporean chili crab is using a lot of ready made sauce and very simple, while in Malaysia we use a lot of fresh ingredients in it.

I have few chili crab recipes and I can't wait share it with you. This is by far the most advance chili crab version I ever cook. I used lobster and blue flower crab in this recipe. If you can not find mud crab at the store near you,  you can always use any type of crabs or use lobster just like what I did last night. Do not worry it would not change the taste.

I Invited few of my friends come to our house last night, we had chili crab, butter squid and some local dessertsand some red wines. They gave 5 stars for this. I do not know you but if you are trying to cook this recipe please always taste the sauce before serving it to you guest, friends, or family because it is important that you know we use different types of soy bean or tomato sauce for an example, we use different brand and you do not know ho much sugar and acidcontain in it. Happy cooking!

Recipe type : Main dish, dinner or lunch
Cuisine : Fusion
Yield / Serves : 2
Prep time : 40 mins

Ingredients :
Item A
Mud crab - 1 kg and clean

Item B
Cooking oil - 2 tbsp
Curry leaves - 15 nos

Item C - Blend in a blender in to  paste
Onion - 3 nos
Garlic - 3 nos
Bird eye chilies/dried chilies - 10 nos

Item D - Mix all in to a paste
Tomato - 2 nos, chopped into 1/2 inch cube
Tomato puree - 3 tbsp
Chili sauce - 3 tbsp
Chili powder - 2 tbsp
Sweet soy bean sauce/kecap manis - 1 tsp
Chicken curry powder - 1 tsp
Shrimp paste - 1 tsp
Oyster sauce - 1 tsp
Salted permented soy bean - 4 tbsp
Dried prownd - 2 tbsp
A pinch of tumeric

Item E
Chicken stock - 2 cups
Egg - 21 no
Sugar - 2 tsp
Lemon - 1 tbsp

Item F - For ganishing
Scallion or corriender

1. In medion heat add cooking oil, good enough to heat the oil
2. Add item C, saute and leave for 5 minutes in a slow flame until the onions caramelised or transparent.
3. Add item D. saute for 5 minutes.
4. Add water, salt and sugar and leave to boil in medium flame for 15 minutes.
5. Add crab and stir well. Leave for 5 minutes.
6. Add lemon, stir well, leave for 2 minutes and turn off the stove. Garnish.

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