Wednesday 15 August 2012

Happy ball (Puteri tak mandi)

This is one of my favorite past time food. I love to eat it at teatime with Lipton tea.. nyummm. Used to call this the lazy recipe because it takes less than an hour to prepare. Here are the ingredients and instructions :

Ingredients :
Item A
A packet of glutinous rice
1/2 cup of rice flour
2 1/2 cups of pandan water/juice
Green or pink coloring

Item B
Topping : Dry fry below ingredients until slightly brown and move into a bowl.
Grated coconut
Dark brown sugar

Item C

Method :
1. Mixed well Item A together in a large bowl and put aside.
2. In the mean time boil 10 cups of water in a big pot and let it boil.
3. Take the mixture and make a small balls as much as you can, (please see above picture) and put into the boiling water.
4. When the balls are floating that means your ball are ready and you can take them out from the pot and put them on the Item B.
5. Roll over balls onto toppings and put trough the skewer!

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