Tuesday 15 November 2016

Making it happen

Hallo hallo :-)

I'm back yo! It's been 2 years, I don't know how to even start. I'm now started to question myself what I've been doing for the past few years, what I did to achieve my dream to be a professional chef? I stopped blogging and dropped everything aside. I did all funny, weird stuff and forgot that I have a mission to go to Australia.

Can I just tell you how it was started? Heheh I was having a weird morning today, I woke up and had my masala chai, checked my phone and I received a notification from Google suggested me to create a photo album, it listed all photos I snapped back in 2013. I didn't even know I've kept all the photos on my phone. I'm sure it was not on my phone. Where the hell this photos coming from Google?

Then I saw all my cooking photos, all the beautiful colourful food photos I snapped, it was reminded me of how I started my passion for culinary, how I baked my first cupcake and how I invented my first Thai's clam recipe.

These photos inpired me to blog again, I was thinking of put everything online again and share my new latest obsession cooking for my 'little family' and my journey to heavenly healthy delicious and advanced Indian recipes and magical Thai culinary experiments.

I'm fit and in to eat!

I'm also kind of excited to informed you that I'm now a freelance Nutrition Advisor! I attending nutrition courses secretly, only few of my close friends know  (not a secret anymore if you read this). I just received my Diploma in Nutrition about few months ago. I'm now in advanced level.

I'm so obsess with nutrition stuff, anything food related stuff, how food effect our body, I'm in to it, I'm on. I'm currently attending 3 different nutrition and weigh loss related courses at the same time and hopefully soon will benefit my cooking and be able to contribute to the society. I'm hopping these courses will help me getting prepared for my culinary course later in Australia. I would love to know the ingredients or nutrition that I use for cooking and how it benefits our body. Don't mistake me I'm not a diet freak, I'm not a skinny person either, I do eat junk foods and I do like to look good in front of the miror.

Wish me luck, let's begin!

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