Tuesday 4 September 2012

Homemade tuna pizza recipe

Tadaaa! Another pizza recipe. I personally like homemade tuna pizza. Forget wasting your money on take-away pizza. Learn from scratch.  Learn how to prepare your own pizza dough and add your favourite toppings. Pizza is easier to make than most people realize. The Secret to a delicious pizza is the fresh toppings and please do not use cheap cheese!

Sauce :
1 1/2 tbsp olive oil
1 cup chopped onions 
2 chopped large tomatoes 
2 tbsp tomato puree
A pinch of salt
P/s - If you are too lazy to make sauce, you can use tomato or chili sauce.

Method :
1. On a medium hot frying pan put olive oil and add in 1/3 chopped onions. 
2. As soon as the natural sugar in the onions starts to brown on the bottom and edges of the pan, add 2/3 chopped onions, tomatoes, tomato puree and salt. Let it simmer for 20 to 30 minutes to reduce water content.
3. Pour into blender to make a smooth sauce. Blend for one minute and let it cool down. Set aside.

Topping : Cut into small chunks
Shredded tuna
Big onions
Green and red capsicum
Mozarella cheese 
Olive oil

Method :
1. In a small bowl mix shredded tuna, mayonnaise and big onions together. 
2. In another bowl mix olive oil, olive, pineapple, tomato, red and green capsicum. Set aside.

Pizza dough :
3 cups flour (sifted)
1 cup luke warm water (45 C) - Use 1/3 of water and mix with yeast and stir hard until you can see bubble comes out on the surface. If bubble didn't comes out, make another mix. Remember it is important to wake up "sleeping" yeast. No bubble means you won't get fluffy dough!
14 gm yeast 
1/3 corn meal
1 tbsp honey
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt

Baking Temperature : 140 C
Baking Time : 20-25 minutes

Method :
1.  Mixed flour, honey, olive oil, corn meal and yeast mixture together. Knead dough until well combined. Add the water and knead again until dough is elastic and smooth.
2.  Cover dough with dry clean dish towel and let it prove for 45 minutes.
3.  Take a small dough and pat it into around shape and put onto pizza/baking tray.
4.  Spread sauce evenly on top of your base and add mozarella cheese,  and lastly add in your favourite toppings.
5.  Dough need to rise before it's ready to bake. Let it rise again for 10 minutes.
6.  Bake for 140 C for 20 to 25 minutes.

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